Reading, writing, arithmetic, travel, yarn and the kitchen sink!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Reading Real Life

I've been on a non-fiction kick lately. Reading biographies and true crime. I recently finished "The Badge" by Jack Webb. (Yes, I mean Jack Webb of Dragnet!)

Written in 1958, this was considered very adult reading. It's more than "just the facts, ma'am." It goes into detail about the Black Dahlia murder. That crime remains an unsolved cold case for the LAPD. I found a couple of James Ellroy documentaries on Netflix where he goes into detail about this case. One of them has a man who thinks he has a very good idea of who actual killed Elizabeth "Betty" Short, the Black Dahlia. He has no physical proof, but there are just too many coincidences to have to be true. (I'm not going to tell you any of the info here, because it is all too interesting to read and discover on your own.)

Now to find something interesting...

The Badge by Jack Webb on Amazon

My review of The Badge on Goodreads

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